W2s and Payslip Access

Current Employees

Current Employees can access W2 and Payslips through Unit 4 Web!

Follow the steps below or navigate to http://go.augsburg.ac/payslips for step by step instructions.

  • Login to Inside Augsburg, click Administrative Tasks > Unit4 Agresso Web.
  • Login with your augsburg Username, Domain=AD, and  Password
  • Click the paperclip icon on the top right of the screen
    Note: you may be asked to Allow Popups for terra.augsburg.ac if you have not done so already
  • Click the W2 or the Payslip year folder. Documents will be available as PDF downloads

Student Workers

Current Students can access their W2s and Pay Slips through Records and Registration!

  • Login to Inside Augsburg, click Records & Registration
  • Click Student Employment Records
  • Look for the Payslip / IRS Form W-2. Choose View/Download PDF

Student W2 Access

Request a copy of previous W2s

W2 forms were mailed to all current and former employees prior to January 31st. Please allow 5-7 business days for delivery. You may request a copy of older W2s.